What Are You Wondering?
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Top Nominated Wonder Questions
How dose touchscreen work?
Monica — Fowler
Can disabled athletes compete in the Olympic Games
Sherryl — Gisborne
What is a Ranatra?
Heather — Holland, MI
Why does only one nostril get plugged when you get sick?
Julie — Bloomington, MN
What is Fast and Slow Fashion industry?
Enya — Tipperary
Why does sleep feel so short
Parker — Fayetteville, AR
How can you save your eyes from blue and ultra-voilet light?
Deepti — La palma, CA
If you are deaf what langauge do you think in?
Cooper — Jenkintown, PA
How did Dancing Mania Start?
Keiana — Harrisburg, NY
do parallel worlds exist ?
max — Cannenbra
What are macrophages?
Jorge — West Valley City
Why do people want renovations to happen to their house?
Nina — Sydney
How are some people tone deaf but others are not?
C — Brown County, WI
What are all the perspectives of what happened to the Mycenaean Palaces?
Shaan — Glenview, IL
What is dystopia?
Doris — Dobbs Ferry
What is underneath an island?
Jodi — Toronto
What is typology?
Wonder Friend — Davis, CA
does how smart you are effect you empathy?
Doris — Bronx, NY
Why do I get tears when I yawn?
Barb — Columbia, MO
what is an inaguration?
Lila — Marlboro New Jersey, NJ
What is Mental Health and why is it important?
Reyna — Dallas, TX
Who is Claudette Colvin?
Sarah — Bloomington, MN
How does a jet engine work?
Soren — Columbia, SC
What is the Rosetta Stone?
Sanchia — East Moline
What are anti- trust laws?
Valentina — St catharines
How do Suicide Bomber Ants explode?
Elizabeth — Des Moines, IA
how were washing machine's made?
Carly — Mendota Heights, MN
I wonder where sugar comes from.
Paula — Chicopee
How did people figure out how to make colour photos?
Hannah — Canberra
How do people celebrate Kwanzaa?
Alan — Midvale
Why did the Smilodon go extinct?
Jacob — Vancouver
How do doppelgängers look like other people?
Satya — Dallas
Why do you get electrocuted?
Liz — USA, IA
Why do iguanas fall when they get cold?
Emma — Fort Lauderdale, FL
What is the rock cycle?
Aarav — Singapore
How are pointe shoes made?
layla — Huntsville, AL
What are bone spurs
Presley — Stillwater, OK
What is sleep paralysis?
Ella — Cincinnati, OH
What causes Alzheimer's?
Evelyn — corpus christi
What is a minion?
Jessica — Gainesville, GA
Latest in the Wonder Bank
280,753 Questions
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WonderFriend Published as Wonder of the Day #2963 -
why do we eat meat?
alexander -
how long would it take for you to die from a black hole
a -
Carmelo -
How is electricity created?
Dhyan -
bentley -
why do kids need to have phones
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why does space not have oxygen
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How did people know the exact time when they 1st made clocks?
charlotte -
air `jordan
rajayceon -
why is the brain pink
weston -
how are twins conjoined
Trevor -
does being smart effect your social skills?
Siri -
i wounder who invented homework and why
Ashley -
What effect does racism have on sports players?
Xavier -
Would the same sports players that get racially abused if the field get abused in everyday life?
Xavier -
Can we live without our cellphones?
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what is candy clicker
joshua -
what is the biggest star
Theokardu -
How did God make Make the world but how is he made ?
Katelyn -
How do components work in a computer?
Jack -
how did spelling start
Memphis -
Rabbits and hares diffrentses
Antonio -
What is an urban legdend
Onka -
how do ants invole
blessing -
Who created God?
nicholas -
how old will i be before i die
jonah -
How Many Air Moducules does earth have
graham -
How do we know how many people are in the world?
Emma -
What am i fine when its 1-5 degrees in Christchurch but i shiver in 9 degrees in Auckland