WONDER #713: Why Do You Change the Oil in Cars?

Question 1 of 3

As engine parts move, what force creates heat?

  1. friction
  2. momentum
  3. gravity
  4. coercion

Question 2 of 3

Which of the following is NOT usually involved in an oil change?

  1. fresh oil
  2. new oil filter
  3. oil pan
  4. cooking oil

Question 3 of 3

Which of the following would NEVER be an okay interval to go between oil changes?

  1. 3,000 miles
  2. 5,000 miles
  3. 10,000 miles
  4. 100,000 miles

Check your answers online at https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/why-do-you-change-the-oil-in-cars.