WONDER #667: Why Are Rainforests Important?
Question 1 of 3
Why do scientists call rainforests the “lungs” of Earth?
- Most rainforests are shaped like human lungs.
- The trees in the rainforests take in large amounts of carbon dioxide and produce much of the oxygen we breathe.
- If you listen closely enough, you can hear all the animals breathing in the rainforest.
- Rainforests are very damp places.
Question 2 of 3
What is the best evidence that rainforests have much more rainfall than other places?
- “To be a rainforest, an area must receive at least 80 inches of rain each year.”
- “All rainforests have a canopy, which is a layer of branches and leaves formed at the tops of the tall trees that make up the rainforest.”
- “Scientists believe that around half of the plants and animals found on the Earth live in rainforests.”
- “Rainforests also help to stabilize Earth’s climate.”
Question 3 of 3
Which of the following is NOT a continent that has rainforests?
- Africa
- Australia
- Europe
- South America
Check your answers online at https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/Why-Are-Rainforests-Important.