WONDER #2742: What Is an Eating Disorder?
Question 1 of 3
What was the main idea of this Wonder?
- Health problems can have many different causes.
- Eating disorders are mental health conditions that affect a person’s relationship with food and exercise and can cause many health problems.
- Experts say that eating disorders can be caused by many different factors, including attitudes toward thinness.
- Some examples of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder.
Question 2 of 3
Which is a potential health effect of an eating disorder, according to this Wonder?
- Dehydration
- Heart attack
- Organ failure
- All of the above
Question 3 of 3
If a person thinks they may be experiencing an eating disorder, what should they do?
- Talk with a trusted adult.
- Ignore it.
- Try to solve the problem on their own.
- Eat more and exercise daily.
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