WONDER #2461: How Does a Monowheel Work?
Question 1 of 3
Which of the following is NOT part of a monowheel, according to this Wonder?
- Rear window
- Inner frame
- Outer frame
- Brakes
Question 2 of 3
When the inner and outer frames lock, causing the monowheel to spin around, it’s called ___________________.
- merry-go-round
- orbiting
- upside downing
- gerbiling
Question 3 of 3
This Wonder was mostly about...
- how to build a monowheel of your own.
- the parts of a monowheel and how the vehicle works.
- why people will drive monowheels instead of cars in the future.
- the many ways to travel, including cars and motorcycles.
Check your answers online at https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/how-does-a-monowheel-work.