WONDER #1608: How Many Cars Are on the Road at One Time?

Question 1 of 3

Approximately how many automobiles are there in the entire world?

  1. 1 million
  2. 100 million
  3. 1 billion
  4. 1 trillion

Question 2 of 3

Which country has the most automobiles?

  1. China
  2. Japan
  3. Germany
  4. United States

Question 3 of 3

In August 2010, a 62-mile-long traffic jam snarled traffic for 12 days in which country?

  1. China
  2. Japan
  3. Germany
  4. United States

Check your answers online at https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/how-many-cars-are-on-the-road-at-one-time.