WONDER #1250: How Are Sea Shells Formed?

Question 1 of 3

<p class=\"FreeForm\">Sea shells are the former homes of which invertebrates?</p>

  1. mollusks
  2. badgers
  3. starfish
  4. dolphins

Question 2 of 3

<p class=\"FreeForm\">The outer layer of a mollusk’s shell usually contains a material similar to a human being’s what?</p>

  1. eyelashes
  2. nose
  3. fingernails
  4. liver

Question 3 of 3

<p class=\"FreeForm\">Which element is a primary material in most sea shells?</p>

  1. oxygen
  2. hydrogen
  3. calcium
  4. ozone

Check your answers online at https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/How-Are-Sea-Shells-Formed.