WONDER #1044: Can Coins Bring Good Fortune?
Question 1 of 3
In Rome, it is considered good fortune to do what?
- Toss a coin in the garbage.
- Toss a coin in a fountain.
- Put a coin in the mouth of a lucky money toad.
- Carry a penny in your pocket.
Question 2 of 3
In China, it is considered good fortune to do what?
- Toss a coin in the garbage.
- Toss a coin in a fountain.
- Put a coin in the mouth of a lucky money toad.
- Carry a penny in your pocket.
Question 3 of 3
In Ireland, it is considered good fortune to do what?
- Toss a coin in the garbage.
- Toss a coin in a fountain.
- Put a coin in the mouth of a lucky money toad.
- Carry a penny in your pocket.
Check your answers online at https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/can-coins-bring-good-fortune.