WONDER #2583: What is Athlete's Foot?

Question 1 of 3

Athlete’s foot is also called...

  1. pedicure sickness
  2. runner’s bacteria
  3. toe virus
  4. tinea pedis

Question 2 of 3

Which of these is NOT a way to prevent athlete’s foot?

  1. Walk barefoot in locker rooms and public pools.
  2. Wash your feet with soap and water every day.
  3. Avoid sharing shoes or socks with others.
  4. Change your socks when they get sweaty.

Question 3 of 3

What was the main idea of this Wonder?

  1. Athlete’s foot is caused by sweaty feet.
  2. The symptoms of athlete’s foot may include itchy, peeling skin.
  3. Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection that can usually be treated with help from a doctor.People should use an antifungal cream every day to avoid getting athlete’s foot.
  4. People should use an antifungal cream every day to avoid getting athlete’s foot.

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