WONDER #2539: What is Tourette's Syndrome?
Question 1 of 3
Tourette’s Syndrome often affects people who also have...
- Chickenpox
- Both b and c
Question 2 of 3
Which is the BEST evidence that Tourette’s Syndrome is more common in children t1han in adults?
- “There are many medicines that help control tics for people with TS.”
- “Tourette’s syndrome is most commonly found in children between the ages of five and ten.”
- “TS also has a high rate of co-occurrence with other conditions.”
- “Tourette’s Syndrome causes involuntary movements and sounds called tics.”
Question 3 of 3
What was the main idea of this Wonder?
- Tourette’s Syndrome is a condition that is most common in children and causes involuntary tics.
- There is no cure for Tourette’s Syndrome.
- Tics can be physical or vocal.
- Tourette’s Syndrome often doesn’t require treatment, but medicine and therapy are available.
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